Dunrovin 2021 Equine Art Extravanza with Georgine Archer

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The annual Equine Art Extravaganza is hosted by Dunrovin Ranch in Lolo, MT. It's a day of art, horses, music, and fun that raises money for Montana nonprofits. This year's recipient is Youth Homes, Inc. This year, AAB artist Georgine Archer (Lisa Archer Silks) was on of the artists painting horses. These are photos of the final painting on her horse.

The viewers get to vote on which horse they love the most and Georgine won First Place for her designs. Here are a few words from her describing her design:

Feathers on equine is my concept created from my feather designs, that I create on silk, The quiet dance of these suspended feathers evoke a sense of delight as beautiful as seeing the graceful movements of wild horses running across the open plains.

On my chosen horse I plan to paint vibrant colored feathers on the horses body and incorporate my hand created silk feather pieces as a jewelry breast adornment.”

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In Memoriam: Linda Stover


Surviving 2020, Pandemic Series in concrete at the Ravalli County Museum